Please take a look following sample code to do that
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
At first, remove the Studio from Applications plus the following for a clean state
Check your node version and java version then make it compatible according to the doc link
- sudo rm -rf ~/.appcelerator
- sudo rm -rf ~/.titanium
- sudo npm uninstall -g titanium
- sudo npm uninstall -g alloy
- sudo npm uninstall -g acs
- sudo npm uninstall -g appcelerator
Then install CLI manually via the terminal respectively
Finally, take a fresh copy of Appcelerator Studio and install it in your machine. It will automatically install all dependencies.
- sudo npm install -g appcelerator
- appc use latest
- appc setup -l trace
- sudo npm install -g alloy
Then open the studio and let me know how it goes.