Friday, March 31, 2017

How to open an app from my app?

If you would like to open any app from your app then you can use openURL method. You can check out this doc link and sample code

LiveView file server unavailable error.

To resolve this issue, clean the project and terminate all node instances :

  •  From the menu bar, select Project >Clean.... Make sure your project is selected and click OK.
  •  From a terminal, run "killall node"
  •  Rerun the project.
If the issue persists then disable the LiveView button (small eye icon) from the top menu bar of the Studio.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination

This can happen if you have an environment variable such as NODE_ENV set to development. To check this run echo $NODE_ENV and if it returns a value then run NODE_ENV= to unset it. 

echo $NODE_ENV 

Now try to login 
  • appc logout
  • appc login
Hope this helps.