Friday, November 1, 2013

Path problem solution on titanium studio for Windows 7

Three basic Most Important path in environment variable to run titanium studio in Windows PC for android and the location is
MyComputer>properties>Advanced system Setting>Environment Variable>SysteVariable
and everything you set system Variable path
1. JDK path
2.Node Path
3. Build in  Path
  •  Path number one i have already answered This Link
  • And path Number Three that is build in  when you setup win7 that is automatically generated in environment variable path into System variable
All Windows systems must have the following paths at the beginning of their PATH environment variable to function properly:%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
And if you delete this your titanium studio don't built any project successfully
So be careful don't delete that 
  • And node path it also automatically generated when node.js is installed sometimes it not do that so you should know that how to set node path in system variable
variable name= path
variable Value=C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs

you don't delete before set the value of path or don't create new path, you just editing the remaining path and set every value after semicolon.
You Can also show android SDK path
1. tools path=D:\android-sdk\tools;(you PC SDK location)
2. platform tools path=D:\android-sdk\platform-tools(you PC SDK location)


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