Friday, December 16, 2016

Create new Android emulator.

Android default emulator is really very slow so create new x86 CPU based emulator

Go to
Preference >> Studio >> Android >> Click on Manage AVDs

Android Virtual Device(AVD) Manager will be opened

Here click on >> Create

A new window will be opened then fill the following fields

AVD Name: Give Any Name
Device: select any device

Target: Select the target android API

CPU/API(very important ): select  (Intel Atom x86)

Note: If you do not find (Intel Atom x86) CPU then you have to download "Intel x86 Atom System Image" for your Android SDK. Also, you have to download the “Intel x86 emulator accelerator (HAXM)” from the Extra folder. Then you have to install it. To do so, go to your Android SDK’s installation folder, then go to extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/ and execute IntelHAXM.dmg. 
See this link how to install the packages

Keyboard: if you need Hardware keyboard then check otherwise uncheck.

Skin: No Skin

Then Click on OK button.

Now you will see the emulator on the Android Virtual Device(AVD) Manager

Click on start to start it.

If you face any issue then you have to fix it otherwise it will not work.

Now run your App. Always try to start your emulator from Android Virtual Device(AVD) Manager then run App.


  1. <a href="
